Eastern beauty: Daniela Hantuchova is rated ninth in the field

Eastern beauty: Daniela Hantuchova is rated ninth in the field

Near midnight for a balmy Miami and the floor of one of the city’s hottest nightclubs is heating up night. All eyes are drawn to a collection of blonde ьber-goddesses who are dancing up a storm, attracting lascivious glances from every red-blooded man in the room as the DJ cranks up the music. However the girls, who will be uniformly blonde, leggy and flaunting their bodies that are perfect barely-there dresses, are not the ubiquitous supermodels which is why Southern Beach is famed. No, they are the increasing movie stars for the ladies’ tennis circuit enjoying a night that is rare because they attempt to get to be the next Maria Sharapova – whom, incidentally, is within mail order asian brides the center associated with the flooring, waving her hands around wildly despite whining of a neck damage early in the day.

The event could be the kickoff celebration when it comes to Sony Ericsson Open. That is one of several earth’s tennis tournaments that are largest following the Grand Slams, but in addition typically the absolute most relaxed because of its location on Key Biscayne, a palm-fringed island just south of downtown Miami however a million kilometers from the pressures of Wimbledon. Continue reading “Eastern beauty: Daniela Hantuchova is rated ninth in the field”